Wednesday, December 18, 2019

He Knows Me

All because of a Grocery Outlet store on a rainy night...

A really difficult time in my life was right after returning from an 18-month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Northwest Washington state. I had been serving others for a year and a half, dedicating my life to the Savior, and then my time was up. I came home, was supposed to start "normal life" again, but my best friends had moved away or gotten married. I felt alone. 
I started moving on with my life,  going to college again, attending the religion classes offered nearby, but still felt awkward and unsocial. I struggled having conversations with people. Some days I would just cry alone in my room or in my car. I kept praying to have peace as I moved on in my life to the next phase.
One rainy night, I was really missing Washington, and was driving home from one of my Bible study classes. Sadness and loneliness crept into my thoughts again, and then, I looked up and saw a Grocery Outlet store. There hadn't been any of those (that I knew about) back home, but they had been everywhere in Washington. I knew God was telling me that He was aware of me. He knew my struggles, and he was going to hold my hand and help me through it. It started to get better after that.

I still have hard times, but I look back at moments like that, and I know that God is aware of me. He's going to help me get through it, and I'll come out stronger. He's just waiting until we're ready to reach for Him.

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