Tuesday, October 31, 2017

God hears me

Sometimes people wonder if God really hears their prayers, especially during struggles and hard times. Why won't He just take the difficult things away? Why isn't He giving me my request?
One such time I had was very soon after I learned my parents, married for 29 years, we're getting a divorce. When they told me, I thought they were joking, but realized I was completely oblivious to any issues they had. I had just turned 18, so I might have noticed more...
I was really struggling, and one particular night my mom was complaining about my dad, and my dad was complaining about my mom. I felt like no matter where I went, there it was: my safe haven, my wonderful reality, shattered. I went to my room, the only private place I could think of where neither parent would bother me for awhile.
I prayed.
I sobbed, pouring out my heart to God, telling Him everything I was feeling. Loneliness. Anger. Disappointment. Worry. Heartbreak.
When I finally finished, my scriptures were sitting on my bed. They opened up to John 14. The first verses I read were 26-27.
"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father shall send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
"Peace I leave with you; my peace give I unto you, not as the world giveth give I unto you; let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
God spoke to me in those verses. He reminded me He had sent the Comforter to give me peace, and that I needn't be afraid. Scared. Angry. Worried. He loved me and I knew it.

That was enough for me, but apparently He wanted to be really sure I knew He was there. Right after that, I went for a run (my stress reliever), and along my way my best friend met me on my trail. She said she felt she needed to go walk that way and find me, but she wasn't sure why.
In the same day, during the same cry for help.
This doesn't happen every time, but I can remember when I'm struggling that He has answered me. I can have faith and hold on until He does again, for He is constant.

I'm so thankful for a loving God who knows His children and wants them to be happy.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Feasting on the Word of God

"There's a difference between just reading your scriptures every day; just reading your five minutes to fulfill your...obligation. [Joseph Smith] said it came with feeling and with power and force, and he reflected on it again and again, taking that reflection right into the grove. The power is going to be in the depth of the scriptures. Occasionally, we can just glide through and do something to sustain us for the day, but the real impact is going to come when we reflect and dive down in those feelings." Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Facetoface March 2017).

When we really read and FEEL the scriptures, then we are able to build our faith in God and draw closer to Christ. We can't be casual all the time. We have to really dig in and read with our spirits. I LOVE that God will help us know the truth and will give us answers if we truly seek them.